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Workshops focus includes exploring the data and defining a query for your study using SQL, or running the analysis in R/Python.
Reserve your spot for the 2024 MidAtlantic Bioinformatics Conference on Friday October 4, 2024.
Join us for an Arcus OnRamp Workshop to get hands-on practice running R in an Arcus Lab.
This workshop will focus on exploring the data and defining a query for your study using SQL.
Join us for an Arcus OnRamp Workshop to get hands-on practice running Python in an Arcus Lab.
Workshops focus on exploring the data and defining a query for your study using SQL or running the analysis in R/Python.
This is a series of hour-long workshops designed to help bring R beginners up to the next level.
This is a series hour-long workshops designed to help bring R beginners up to the next level.
Join us for an Arcus 101 Information Session to hear what’s possible with Arcus.
Beyond the Spreadsheet: Understanding SQL and Relational Databases - Session 5 SQL Joins (2nd session).
Beyond the Spreadsheet: Understanding SQL and Relational Databases - Session 5 SQL Joins.
This workshop series is designed to help bring R beginners up to the next level.
Dr. Jeremy Michel will present Shareable Clinical Decision Support: The Now and the Future.