DBHi Clinical Decision Support
While health information technologies like the electronic health record (EHR) offer benefits to improve healthcare delivery, efficiency, and quality, they also presents many challenges and safety concerns for clinicians. Focusing on diseases that affect the health of children, DBHi’s Clinical Decision Support group works to address limitations of current EHR systems so that they can be more efficiently used to improve health care. The group’s work helps to reduce frustration for clinicians, leads to collection of more accurate and useful health data, and longer time spent interacting with patients for improved quality of care. Understanding how clinicians work is an important aspect of this research.
Standardizing Clinical Care Guidelines
Decision support based on clinical practice guidelines are effective tools for assisting clinicians. DBHi’s clinical support group identifies established standards of care and designs and implements tools to help clinicians efficiently follow guidelines to accurately collect patient information, identify risk factors, and choose appropriate diagnoses and interventions.
Interpreting the Data
Deep analysis of patient record data is a critical part of this research drawing attention to early and concerning trends. Current research efforts are focused on clinical deterioration and sepsis. Additionally, the group conducts research into technology that supports clinical decision making to see where it can be applied to assist clinicians and improve patient care.