Nurse researchers studied mothers' coping mechanisms in the neonatal cardiac intensive care setting, and they identified mindfulness as a potential stress-reducer.
Caffeine therapy can help premature babies breathe stronger and sooner on their own. When a group of caffeine-treated premature babies reached middle school, the therapy appeared to reduce their risk of motor impairment – building on earlier follow-ups that show the treatment's safety, efficacy, and developmental benefits for the babies at one-and-a-half years old.
From the moment they're born until 3 years old, children's brains grow rapidly, producing 700 new neural connections every second. This a crucial time for parents and caregivers to provide powerful communication with their babies and stimulate brain centers involved with language development and other skills.
The work of The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia’s N. Scott Adzick, MD, an internationally recognized fetal surgery pioneer, will be featured in the new documentary series Twice Born.