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How Long Does It Take To Get Early Intervention Services?
If your child has been referred to Early Intervention, you may be eager to get help right away. Getting services is not immediate, however, because your child's needs must be determined before services can begin. The need for services is determined through a Multidisciplinary Evaluation (MDE). Following the MDE, a service plan - called an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) - must be developed.
The MDE and the IFSP must be completed within 45 calendar days from when the parent contacts the county and requests an evaluation, unless the reason for the delay is that the parent has not provided consent for an evaluation. The services in the IFSP must be provided to the child as soon as possible. In Pennsylvania, “as soon as possible” is defined as no later than 14 calendar days after the IFSP is completed, unless the family agrees to a delay.