About the Body Surface Gastric Mapping in Patients with GI Symptoms
This study aims to evaluate the feasibility and performance of the Body Surface Gastric Mapping (BSGM) test in a clinical environment, evaluate the association of symptoms to electrical activity in patients with gastrointestinal symptoms, evaluate the association of bowel electrical activity to quality of life and functional disability, and to establish normative data for BSGM in healthy controls.
Functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGID), also known as disorders of gut-brain interaction (DGBI), are the most common GI disorders in the general population. FGID often overlaps with other gastrointestinal motility disorders, like gastroparesis. Despite common prevalence, FGID and motility disorders' prevalence is quantified by subject response to questionnaires. Furthermore, symptoms of FGID may not necessarily indicate the prevalence of a specific disease. It is believed that individuals with FGID have altered bowel myoelectric activity, and studies have found a link between altered bowel wave patterns and FGID prevalence. The BSGM device measures bowel myoelectric activity and offers promise that we can correlate FGID prevalence with symptomatology.
This study will enroll both cases and controls. Cases will be those who have a confirmed diagnosis of a motility disorder and/or FGID, or are scheduled to undergo a clinically-indicated procedure(s) that are outlined in the study protocol. Controls will be those who do not have any GI symptoms and any active GI diagnoses.
The target population is children and young adults 8 to 25 years of age. Following a review of medical history/medical records to assess eligibility, a study consent form will be signed, with assent if applicable. Participants will need to fast 6 hours prior to the study visit. Height, weight and vitals will be obtained on the morning of the study visit, together with a urine pregnancy test (if applicable) and a belly body hair removal (if applicable). During the study, a standard meal will be provided, and participants and families (if participant is younger than 18 years of age) will be asked to fill out some questionnaires.