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Elevate Your Research With Methodological Training
The Qualitative Research Core (QRC) is invested in raising the caliber of qualitative research across CHOP by providing methodological training to research teams. The QRC team provides quarterly introductory-level qualitative methods trainings free-of-charge for all Research Institute employees.
Looking for a more hands-on, team-based approach to learning? The QRC provides tailored, in-depth training for a flat fee to study teams.
Choose from specific qualitative research skills such as:
• Qualitative and mixed-method research design
• Interview guide development and pilot testing
• Focus group facilitation
• Codebook creation
• Using qualitative data analysis software
• Interviewer and focus group facilitation
When you find yourself in a qualitative research quandary or in need of project support, sign up for the QRC’s office hours to connect with a QRC expert for a consultation.
Submit a QRC Initial Inquiry Form through REDCap to get started.
Visit the Qualitative Research Core website to learn more.