Funding and Awards



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Below is a collection of available opportunities for funding and awards. This page is updated regularly with the most updated and relevant offerings.

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Institutional Training Grants

Children's Hospital holds multiple NIH Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Institutional Research Training Grants (T32). These competitive grants have been awarded to CHOP investigators with a proven track record of excellence in providing world-class research training to postdoctoral fellows, physician fellows and/or graduate students.

Depending on your research area and job title (postdoctoral fellow, physician fellow, etc.), you may be eligible for support by one of these T32 training grants.

Each T32 training program is unique, with variations in their research focus, associated mentors, number of slots and application processes. Please review each grant below and contact the appropriate administrative contact for additional information.

Program Director:
Katherine Yun, MD, MHS

Program (Administrative) Contact:
Lindsay Capozzi

Brief Description:
The Academic General Pediatrics (AGP) Fellowship program offers research training to address key clinical, health services, and policy issues in primary care pediatrics. The goal of the fellowship is to prepare trainees to improve health and health care for underserved children through primary care research and leadership. The fellowship is intended for pediatric providers focused on health equity, underserved populations, and primary care. However, it is open to pediatric subspecialists who are interested in outpatient research to address child health disparities.

Total Number of Trainee Slots (per year): 0-2

Physicians who are United States citizens or permanent residents and have at least two years of postgraduate training are eligible to apply.

Web Site / Additional Information:

Application Process/Dates:
Please see website to apply.

Program Director:
Rebecca Ganetzky, MD

Program (Administrative) Contact:
Salomey Mensah

Brief Description:

Brief Description: This research training program seeks to provide this training primarily to clinicians in all arenas relevant to human genetics to train the future medical genetics leaders who are willing and able to apply modern research methods to elucidating the pathogenesis and pathophysiology of medical genetic conditions, so that new and more effective therapeutic interventions can be identified.

Total Number of Trainee Slots (per year):

5 fellows (usually physician fellows)


Eligible candidates should hold an MD, PhD, or MD/PhD degree with a focused research project in human genetics and a career interest in academics.

Web Site / Additional Information:

Clinical Genetics Training
Medical Genetics Research Training Grant Description


Application Process/Dates:

Rolling, but most appointments are effective as of July 1; applications should be received by February 1 to meet this deadline.

Program Director:
Lisa R. Young, MD
Sharon McGrath-Morrow, MD, MBA

Program (Administrative) Contact:
Devaney Camburn

Brief Description:
Trainees can pursue research in genetic and rare lung diseases, including interstitial lung disease (ILD), bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), cystic fibrosis (CF), and pulmonary vascular disease; lung injury, repair, and development; asthma, inflammation, and the environment; and respiratory physiology. Support is available to complete a Master's degree in translational research (or similar area of study) at the University of Pennsylvania during the training period. The training program provides up to 3 years of funding for trainees to pursue pediatric lung-related research.

Total Number of Trainee Slots (per year):
Contact the Program Administrator for this information

The training program is open to MD, DO, VMD, or PhD postdoctoral trainees. All candidates must certify that they are either a U.S. Citizen or a permanent resident. Appointed post-doctoral trainees and fellows are required to engage in 2 years of research, teaching, or health-related activities. NIH Grants Policy Statement.

Web Site/Additional Information:
To learn more about the training program or meet with a program representative, please contact Devaney Camburn.

Application Process/Dates:
Applicants will need to submit their CV, a description of their research and career goals (one page limit), including how appointment to this grant will advance their career goals, and 2 letters of support. Applicants should reach out to Devaney Camburn for assistance with the application process.

Program Director:
Lorraine Katz, MD

Program (Administrative) Contact:
Beth Schwartzmann
Dreitra Massey

Brief Description:
The CHOP Pediatric Endocrinology Fellowship Training Program in Diabetes Research has the goal of increasing the number of Pediatric Endocrinologists who are interested in careers in academic endocrinology by providing the research experiences and tools they need to build research programs. To accomplish this goal, we provide a multi-year training program of research.

Total Number of Trainee Slots (per year):
3 physician fellows

Eligible candidates should hold an MD degree and be a current Endocrine Fellow. All candidates must certify that they are either a U.S. Citizen, a non-citizen national of the United States, or a lawful permanent resident.

Web Site / Additional Information:
Pediatric Endocrine Fellowship Training Grant Description
Endocrine Grant Mentor List

Application Process/Dates:
April 15 Deadline - 3-page research project proposal required (see description above and contact Program Administrator for more information)

Program Director:
Mortimer Poncz, MD
Stella Chou, MD

Program (Administrative) Contact:
Vernell Wynn

Brief Description:
The pediatric hematology grant at Children's Hospital provides clinical and basic researchers with world-class training on a variety of fronts. Areas of investigation include hemoglobin disorders, stem cell development, molecular diagnostic techniques, molecular oncology, gene therapy, and the molecular basis of blood clotting.

Total Number of Trainee Slots (per year):
4 PhD, MD, or MD/PhD trainees (postdoctoral or physician fellows)

Eligible candidates should hold either an MD, PhD, or MD/PhD degree, and certify that they are either a U.S. Citizen, a non-citizen national of the United States, or a lawful permanent resident.

Web Site / Additional Information:
Pediatric Hematology Training Grant Mentor List

Application Process/Dates:
Candidates are selected from the pool of Hematology/Oncology fellows and postdocs by an internal selection committee

Program Director:
Christopher Bonafide, MD, MSCE

Chris Feudtner, MD, PhD, MPH

Program (Administrative) Contact:
Natalie Schroeder

Brief Description:
The Pediatric Hospital Epidemiology and Outcomes Research Training (PHEOT) program is a two year research fellowship designed to provide physicians with training in hospital epidemiology and outcomes research. The PHEOT program trains the next generation of clinical scientists who will help us to understand how to best measure and improve outcomes, assure patient safety, and manage costs for hospitalized children. Funded by a Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development training grant, PHEOT combines formal coursework and mentored research projects to help trainees develop expertise in comparative effectiveness research, quality measurement, severity adjustment and economic evaluation as they relate to pediatric hospital care.

Total Number of Trainee Slots (per year):

Physicians who are United States citizens or permanent residents and have at least two years of postgraduate training are eligible to apply.

Web Site/Additional Information:
Pediatric Hospital Epidemiology and Outcomes Research Training Program

Application Process/Dates:

Applications for pediatric epidemiology training will be accepted starting July 1 for the academic year beginning the following year. Interviews and acceptance will be granted on a rolling basis. Please see website to apply.

Program Director:
Kevin Downes, MD

Program (Administrative) Contact:
Kevin Downes, MD

Brief Description:
Thomas Jefferson University and the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia offer a joint NIH-sponsored T32 fellowship program in Clinical Pharmacology. The overall goals of the program are to integrate training in methodologies, concepts, and approaches of basic and clinical pharmacology across the developmental continuum and in hypothesis-driven basic and clinical research. The program is accredited by the American Board of Clinical Pharmacology (ABCP).

Total Number of Trainee Slots (per year):
2 slots are reserved for CHOP out of 4 total slots

MD/DOs, PharmDs, and PhDs who are United States citizens or permanent residents are eligible to apply.

Web Site/Additional Information:
Clinical Pharmacology Fellowship at
Clinical Pharmacology Fellowship at

Program Director:
Joseph St. Geme, III, MD

Program (Administrative) Contact:
Andy Zheng

Brief Description:

The goal of the CHOP Institutional Training in Pediatrics grant is to increase the number and effectiveness of subspecialty pediatricians with a rigorous training in basic, translational and clinical research. We accomplish this by training outstanding pediatric fellows to become successful physician-scientists, addressing questions of fundamental importance to health and disease in children.

Total Number of Trainee Slots (per year):

Contact the Program Administrator for this information


Eligible candidates should hold an MD or DO degree and be in a subspecialty fellowship program at CHOP. All candidates must certify that they are either a U.S. Citizen, a non-citizen national of the United States, or a lawful permanent resident.

Web Site / Additional Information:

Contact the Program Administrator for this information

Application Process/Dates:

Contact the Program Administrator for this information

Program Director:
Robert J. Levy, MD
Joseph Rossano, MD, MS, FAAP, FACC

Program (Administrative) Contact:
Susan Kerns

Brief Description:
A collaborative training program is offered involving participation of leading scientists at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, and the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. This forefront NIH-sponsored postdoctoral research training is offered in three specific areas: Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Gene Therapy; Cardiac Development; Cardiovascular Pathophysiology. Examples of ongoing research directions include: Tissue Engineering, Cardiac Development, Biomaterials, Gene Therapy for Vascular Injury, and Gene Therapy for Cardiac Arrhythmias.

Total Number of Trainee Slots (per year):
8 PhD, MD or MD/PhD trainees (4 bench researchers, 4 clinical researchers)

Eligible candidates should hold either an MD, PhD, or MD/PhD degree, and certify that they are either a U.S. Citizen, a non-citizen national of the United States, or a lawful permanent resident.

Web Site / Additional Information:
Pediatric Cardiology Training Grant Description and Mentor List

Application Process/Dates:
April 1 Deadline - Application and 3 letters of reference required (contact Program Administrator for application)

Program Director:
Amelia Eisch, PhD
Eric Marsh, MD, PhD 

Program (Administrative) Contact:
Kristen Pidgeon

Brief Description:
This training grant is an inter-disciplinary program that draws faculty from the Department of Pediatrics, multiple departments in the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and the School of Veterinary Medicine. The focus of the program is intellectual disability caused by chromosomal defects, inborn errors of metabolism (aminoacidurias, urea cycle defects, etc.) or hypoxia and trauma (peri-natal insult, traumatic brain injury, etc.).

Total Number of Trainee Slots (per year):
6 PhD, MD, or MD/PhD trainees (postdoctoral or physician fellows)

MD candidates should have had clinical training in Pediatrics, Neurology, Neuropathology or a related field. PhD candidates should have completed their PhD in neuroscience or a related field and should have conducted neuroscience research. We encourage applications from members of minority groups that are underrepresented in science careers. All candidates must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents (green card holders) to be eligible for support from this training grant.

Web Site / Additional Information:
Neurodevelopmental Disabilities Training Grant Web Site

Application Process/Dates:
Contact Program Administrator for application and additional information

Program Director:
Kathy Loomes, MD
Nancy Spinner, PhD

Program (Administrative) Contact:
Alkayla Boyer

Brief Description:
Children are affected by a wide variety of diseases that impact the gastrointestinal system. The goal of this program is to train post-MD and -PhD researchers at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and the Perelman School of Medicine to successfully pursue careers dedicated to investigating the genetic basis of pediatric gastrointestinal, liver, and nutritional disease, and to using that knowledge to improve the health of children and adults.

Total Number of Trainee Slots (per year):
Two years of support per trainee, with a total of 4 training slots each year (2 slots in the first year)