Academic Training Advisory Council



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The Academic Training Advisory Council (ATAC) aims to position the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia as the predominant pediatric research training institution by maximizing the quality of the CHOP research trainee experience. Research trainees include postdoctoral fellows, training grant fellows, physician fellows and CHOP-based UPenn graduate students.

ATAC serves in an advisory capacity to the Academic Training tier of the Office of Academic Training and Outreach Programs (ATOP). Academic training includes career and professional development training for researchers-in-training, mentor support, and postdoctoral affairs, among other functions.


Krithika Lingappan, MD, PhD, MS, Co-Chair
Associate Professor


David Taylor, PhD
Director, Academic Training
Office of Academic Training and Outreach Programs

Council Members

Colleen Ambron, MBA
Stephanie Bowles, PhD
Maja Bucan, PhD
Rodney Camire, PhD
Olivia Chesniak, PhD
Rebecca Ganetzky, MD
Marisa Jeffries, PhD
Megha Lal, PhD
Paulette McRae, PhD
Hoang-Anh Phan, PhD
Melanie Ruffner, MD, PhD
Samir Sayed, BS
Evan Weber, PhD
Carolyn Yrigollen, PhD